Thursday, October 20, 2005

Spinning is addictive!!!

Hi Everyone,
No I didnt fall off the face of the earth!!! Ive been busy spinning...filled two I want to ply them...(was taking a class but I had to cancel the lessons). The teacher offered to teach me the material later in the year.

After seeing a former classmates bobbins though I think I can go back and fill them up some more. I just have one question, I bought some "silver" or roving (that is the term for fiber that is in a long strip I read) and when I spin I end up getting a knot at the bottom as the fibers have been drafted at different rates through my hand ....any ideas?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is usually a knot at the end of mine also, but I manage to pull it apart and spin it when I get to the end. It took me awhile, but I figured out if I loosen my grip on the wool while I'm drafting it doesn't end up so snarly at the end...