Friday, December 22, 2006

New Year's Resolution --keep my blog updated!!

Hi All,

Time has gone so fast this past year...Ihave found a new true love...alpaca fleece!!!haha..
We listed our house in August and sold in October and moved in November just before was fun!!

Now we are almost ready for christmas..presents to wrap!!! Did some baking with my daughter today she really got in the spirit of things as in the picture. We had a great time..well I have so much to show you from the last few months I better get busy..Now that I found the camera link cable...months later!!!

Here is some alpaca I spun over the Fall and I dyed the yarn with cherry kool-aid and lime kool-aid. Here is a sock I almost have done out of alpaca.

I like to use my wheel to spin and my drop spindle to ply..I get alot better twist that way.
I did make a bit of a turn as all my carded fleece is hard to get to....I started quilting again..redwork and want to do some hand piecing...I love hand portable and can be with the family..Im going to a quilt show in CA soon.

I dont know about you but I seem to be jumping from project to project and not getting anything completed..starting to stress me out. I have the jacket Elphinstone, a sock and matching one to finish...I need to start a project list for the new year. Any one want to join me on a "UFO's Gone for 2007"!!! Email me if want to.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Merry Christmas...and New Year's Eve..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Im still here!!!

Well, I cant figure out how to get pics onto my a result I have not had the enthusiasm to post anything...I have been spinning alpaca and wool, now Im knitting a hat with it...very warm...

Take care and I will try to get something going soon...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Pictures have arrived...

Well here they are...Im doing a norweigen sweater for a child to I have to cut into it for the steeks later.
the sweater is from She has great detail on how to make this sweater - I chan ged the colors from white to black.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

3 months--time flys by....

Well I didnt fall off the face of the earth. Kids birthdays, Christmas (yes, not happy holidays), my birthday (Jan. 5), and got side tracked with cross back to knitting and getting ready to teach a class!!....norwegien sweaters...yes, there will be cutting into my knitting. First I have to knit a sample sweater so Im doing a childs size to start...
Hope you all are having a good Valentines Day...we did the dinner thing with family. A big burger at Red Robin...and onion rings...umm...
Well gotta go and make sure my kids are on tomorrow...a blog isnt a blog with out photos!!!
God Bless!!